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Member Centers

The  Alabama Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers (ANCAC) is a statewide membership organization dedicated to helping communities, through local child advocacy centers, respond to allegations of child abuse in ways that are effective and efficient – and put the needs of child victims first. For further information regarding membership services, please refer to our membership benefits guide ANCAC New Membership Benefits.

Membership Services

  • Training

    Annual Connecting for Children’s Justice Conference
    Membership-Wide Trainings
    CAC Director Specific Training

  • Advocacy and Awareness

    Liaison for CACs with the state legislature
    Represent CACs with various state agencies
    Promotion of CACs through web site/web-based directory

  • Technical Assistance

    Assist local CACs with National Children’s Alliance (re) accreditation
    Program evaluation and multi-disciplinary team development
    Individual case and crisis consultations

  • Grant Administration

    Administration of state semi-annual and annual reporting
    Respond to requests for information regarding state and/or National Children’s Alliance contractual and funding requirements
    Review of grant proposals and/or budgets
    Assist with enhancing grant/financial management to meet requirements of funders

  • Communications and Outreach

    Quarterly Community Newsletter
    Directory of CACs in Alabama

  • Funding support

    Scholarships for training/conference attendance
    Small grants to assist with purchase of training material and/or agency operational expenses
    Ongoing solicitation of funding for active and developing centers

  • Networking Opportunities

    Quarterly Meetings for CAC Directors, Forensic Interviewers, Family Advocates and Community Educators to discuss current issues, policies, procedures and legislation concerning the response to child abuse and neglect

Our Impact This Year

  • Number of Forensic Interviews


  • Number of Counseling Sessions


  • Number of Medical Referrals


  • Number of Prosecution Referrals


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